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10365 S.E. Sunnyside Road, Suite 260
Clackamas, OR 97015

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Referring Doctors

Woman seated at a desk, answering the phone at one of our referrals Thank you for referring your patient to Dr. Baumgarth at Mt. Scott Endodontics. We appreciate partnering with you for the benefit of patient health.

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Matthew R. Baumgarth, DDS, MS

10365 S.E. Sunnyside Road
Suite 260
Clackamas, OR 97015
(503) 698-4484
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Mt. Scott Endodontics, 10365 SE Sunnyside Rd, Suite 260 Clackamas, OR 97015 : (503) 698-4484 : : 1/13/2025 : Associated Words: Endodontist Clackamas OR :